Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Singer Student's Manuals
As I mentioned before, I love Singer's Teacher's Textbook of Machine Sewing. There is a companion set of student manuals that went with the Teacher's Textbook of Machine Sewing. There are 6 of them, published around 1962. I have been wanting them for some time. They are available on eBay from time to time and I have been drooling over them.
My husband got me the whole set for me. Yay for birthdays!
Like the title says, they are the student manuals for the Singer sewing course. The six manuals are short, from 4 pages to about 20. They cover everything from maintenance of your machine, sewing simple projects, and how to use the fashion discs, feet, and attachments. And there is a little quiz on the back of a couple of the to see if you've been paying attention in class. It's awesome.
Like the Fanatic I am I did a side by side comparison of the Teacher's Textbook and the Student Manual. Interestingly enough, they are very close and if you get all six of the Student Manuals you just about have all the information in the Teacher's Textbook, although the Teacher's Textbook goes further in depth in some areas.
I will be posting a comparison in the future. Nerdy, I know. But I love it.
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